5 Questions with Stephanie Rowland, Program Coordinator

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Jan 07
Coley Bergren, Social Media Specialist
Dungarvin National Central Office

1. How long have you worked at Dungarvin; in the IDD industry?

I started with Dungarvin in June 2023. I have worked in New Mexico and Oregon with Dungarvin. My first job in this industry was in the early 2000’s when I was an “attendant,” that’s what they called DSPs back then.

2. Why do you have a passion for this work?

I love working in this field because of how much help and support we provide individuals. To truly help someone become independent and help them live on their own is amazing. These people only want to feel like they matter and have a voice, and we give them that. I am a Program Coordinator for Supported Living, and I absolutely love my job.

3. What is your most treasured possession?

My family and my grandkids! I have four grandkids that I adore, three boys and one girl.

4. What do you value most in a friend or coworker?

Loving this PC (Program Coordinator) life. I love when my coworkers have the same love as I do for this job.

5. What do you most value about the Dungarvin team with whom you work?

Portland Oregon Supported Living Team is the best team I’ve worked with. We are like a well-oiled machine, working together to help people live their best lives! If ever there is any trouble we divide and conquer to find a solution that works!

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