Advocating for Needed Supports: Talia Nelson, Case Management Assistant Department Supervisor

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Aug 07
Coley Bergren, Social Media Specialist
Dungarvin National Central Office

“In a world where there is so much noise saying why someone can’t do something, I like to be one of the voices who says, why not?” said Talia Nelson, Case Management Assistant Department Supervisor. Talia has been with Dungarvin for nearly five years, recently transitioning from a case manager to overseeing Dungarvin’s case management contract with Ramsey County (Minnesota). Get to know this supportive, self-starter through ‘5 questions with Talia Nelson:’

1. What do you most value in a friend or a co-worker?

I value balance in my friends and colleagues. It is always appreciated when I have someone that I can bounce ideas off or who can reel me in if my ideas are too big for my own good.

2. What would you most like to see happen in your state to better serve people with disabilities?

Continued growth in access for programs for individuals between the ages of 18 to 40, as that age is significantly underserved in terms of what is available to them due to age constraints with current programs.

3. Who are your heroes in life and why?

My hero is my mom. She has had to withstand so many challenges in her life and never once has backed down. She takes everything that comes her way head on. I admire that about her and hope to one day have the ability to conquer challenges with the strength she has conquered hers.

4. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Recently I was selected to present at a statewide conference. It has always been a goal of mine to present on a grander scale to colleagues in my profession. I have a passion for training and development of staff, and it will be fun to do it outside of our organization while still representing Dungarvin.

5. What do you most value about the Dungarvin team with whom you work?

I value our case management team for so many different reasons. Being able to be a part of the growth this department has seen over the last 5 years has been exciting. Although we’ve become bigger, one thing we have not lost sight of is supporting one another. Regardless of the situation we always try to remain solution-focused and supportive. We believe everything is “figure-out-able.”

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