Crystal’s Crochet Creations

At the young age of ten, Crystal’s grandmother taught her the basics of crocheting while living in Atlanta, Georgia.
When Crystal began receiving supports from Dungarvin in Wisconsin on February 23, 2015, she began crocheting on a daily basis. In order to make her new home more comfortable, one of Crystal’s first creations was a blanket for her bed. The blanket matched the curtains she also created for the windows in her bedroom.
One day, while she was working on a project, she had the wonderful idea to share her creations. Crystal wanted to give back to others, like she had experienced others giving to her.
Since then, Crystal has crocheted many newborn baby hats and baby blankets. She will donate these to the local newborn nursery unit(s) located in Columbia County, Wisconsin. In addition, she has fashioned many other items including crocheted scarves, slippers, purses, and blankets in a variety of beautiful colors. Crystal loves to choose these colors when she begins a new project.
It is exciting for Crystal as she constantly learns and masters new techniques, creating new items. She plans to crochet for a very long time. We’re certain the newborns and the other people in need of her donated warm articles of winter wear will surely appreciate Crystal’s continued creations!
connie lange,
Keep up the good work.
Barb Johnson,
Nice job Crystal. Your grandmother would be so proud of you.
Lisa Earl,
That is Awesome !!!!! I my self am a crochter . Keep up the amazin work Crystal!!!!
Lori Kress,
Terrific article! I’m envious of her talent and how wonderful that she makes these beautiful items and donates them to others.