Jan 24
Keith Jones, Program Services Coordinator
Dungarvin Wisconsin

Dreams Do Come True: “I Want to Be a Rock Star”

Photo: Aaron and the Band

Aaron had dreams of being a rock star. As a Program Services Coordinator for Dungarvin Wisconsin since February 2010, I am responsible for supporting individuals with involved behavior support needs that are geared towards safety. Community integration can be limited for some of the individuals we support in these programs. Aaron came to Dungarvin in … Read Full Post

Jan 21
Hannah Jurewicz, Senior Director
Dungarvin Connecticut

Transforming Supports in a Trauma-Sensitive Environment

Image of a road - the road to healing trauma

At Dungarvin Connecticut, we are transforming to apply clinical supports in a trauma-sensitive environment. I sit quietly in the waiting room. Waiting always waiting; waiting on staff, waiting on my housemates, waiting to eat, waiting to take my meds, waiting for my ride, waiting for my … Read Full Post

Jan 07
Jennifer Gulley, Senior Director
Dungarvin Ohio

Honoring Lives Lost in Tragedy

Completed Mid-Ohio Food Care Packages

On December 20, 2006, a tragedy occurred when a fire broke out at one of the homes in Columbus, Ohio. One of our valued direct service professionals, Peggy Porter, attempted to extinguish the fire and rescue the individuals receiving supports in the home, Tony B. and John C. All three were overcome by the … Read Full Post

Dec 30
Dawn Smith, Director
Dungarvin Minnesota

Holiday Card Contest at Dungarvin Minnesota

Holiday Card Winner

Each year, for as long as I can remember, Dungarvin Minnesota has held a Holiday Card contest for the people we support. This process begins in late October or early November, when a memo is sent out to all persons served asking each individual interested to submit a winter holiday or New Year’s themed … Read Full Post

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