Dec 27
Dawn Smith, Director
Dungarvin Minnesota

Employees Have a Shot!

Employees have a shot... a shot at winning cash in a drawing for Dungarvin Minnesota's flu shot campaign, that is. Dungarvin Minnesota has been offering this organized flu shot campaign since 2007, because getting vaccinated is the best prevention. It is now recommended that all people get vaccinated, not just high risk individuals. This … Read Full Post

Dec 24
Ric Nelson, Director
Dungarvin Minnesota

Give Me 5! (The 5% Campaign)

A message echoed throughout the Minnesota State capital rotunda on November 12th at the 5% Campaign rally “What do we want? 5%! When do we want it? NOW!” The 5% campaign is a nonpartisan coalition of Minnesotans working to ask state legislators for a 5% rate increase for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in … Read Full Post

Dec 20
Dawn Smith, Director
Dungarvin Minnesota

Fun Halloween Events for All at Dungarvin

Minnesota Halloween Fun with Supported Individuals Each year Dungarvin Minnesota holds at least one event for the individuals we serve. This year the event was a Halloween Party and it was held at the Mermaid Convention center in Mounds View. This event was a tremendous success and we had over 200 people show up from … Read Full Post

Dec 18
Jen Elleraas, Director

New Services in Minnesota

Dungarvin Minnesota is happy to announce the provision of new services at two new independent living apartments. These locations are non-provider owned, market rate apartments. People live in their own apartment and staff are able to respond to their needs when they need it. Service plans are individualized so we can respond to their … Read Full Post

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