Nov 26
Lisa Carbone, Director
Dungarvin California

Dungarvin California’s Mission in Action

Commitment to making a difference in the lives of individuals served is the foundation of Dungarvin’s mission. This dedication to giving elevates the quality of our services sets us apart from other organizations. Adopting this commitment to quality, Dungarvin California employees are motivated to serve because it satisfies their need to make a difference … Read Full Post

Nov 07
Michael DeStefano, Program Director
Dungarvin Indiana

An Exceptional Lake Michigan Boat Ride

Captain of the boat

Dungarvin Indiana operates two homes licensed in the "Exceptional Support Needs" category, or ESN.  These are transitional homes for people whose behavioral support needs are much greater than other individuals who live in the community.  Our goal is to provide intensive support to each person so that he or she may develop the skills needed to … Read Full Post

Oct 31
Sarah Cummings, Program Director
Dungarvin Nevada

A.L.’s Citizenship and the Road to Independence

My name is Sarah Cummings. I have proudly served as a Program Director for Dungarvin since July 2010. Having previously worked as a Resource Coordinator for the local Community Center board, The Resource Exchange (TRE), I was familiar with the Missions and Values that Dungarvin represents. I was honored to become part of an … Read Full Post

Oct 25
Linda Lane, Area Director
Dungarvin Indiana

J’s Journey to Independence

“J” journey to independence with Dungarvin started when he ‘aged out’ of a Department of Education setting with a statewide reputation and a history of physical aggression. Though he rarely aggressed against other people, he had learned to use his severe ‘tantrums’ to avoid activities, people or non-preferred consequences. In his first supported living … Read Full Post

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