Passion comes easy for Karla Jones, Oklahoma State Director

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May 22
Coley Bergren, Social Media Specialist
Dungarvin National Central Office

Born and raised in Oklahoma, Karla Jones is what you’d call a “true okie.” She began her professional career as a DSP while still in college and has never looked back! Over 35 years later, she continues to impact lives through her leadership and is grateful for her dedicated team that rises to the occasion to provide exceptional care and service to individuals in their community. Get to know this caring leader through ‘5 questions with Karla Jones:’

1. Why do you have a passion for this work?

The relationships with the individuals and their families. This is one industry where you get to grow up and grow old with those you support. And when you have an operations team as well as a DSP force growing with you, the passion comes easy.

2. What do you most value in a friend or a co-worker?

I have a partner, friends and co-workers that have done extraordinary things, and they always show up. They contribute, they support, they encourage and show a lot of love.

3. Who are your heroes in life and why?

Both of my parents had little education, but always encouraged all of us to be better. I am the youngest of six, and I look up to and admire each of my siblings for the support they offer me and all their accomplishments.

4. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Honestly, it is the team we have built here in Oklahoma. Those at the office and, of course, the heartbeat of our organization: the DSPs. I am amazed daily for the time and dedication they put in to support our folks.

5. What do you most value about the Dungarvin team with whom you work?

We do not have a large team here, so when there is a void, there is no hesitation from anybody to pick up the pace and make things happen. This goes for those that support us nationally as well.

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