Proud Moments in Oklahoma
In the midst of what seems to be complete chaos involving staff shortages, long hours and difficult transitions, there are still moments that make us sit back and reflect on all the positive things happening around us every day. These things often get overshadowed by our lengthy to do lists and our constant feeling of “what’s going to happen next.” But, at the end of the day, we can feel assured that we are doing exactly what we were meant to do. So, here in Oklahoma, we want to share a few of our proud moments.
First, we are very proud to announce that we had an ANCOR DSP award winner from Dungarvin Oklahoma. Her name is Michelle Siegfried and she has been employed at Dungarvin Oklahoma since October 2009. Since her hire, she has made a positive impact on all of the individuals she has supported by introducing them to activities they have never previously experienced, as well as being an avid advocate for those individuals to obtain the services they desperately need. Kudos to Michelle, who recently enjoyed traveling to the ANCOR DSP conference in Miami, Florida as the representative of Dungarvin Oklahoma.
In another proud moment for Oklahoma, we are happy to announce that we just completed our six-month Quality Assurance review for a very challenging transition from the Southern Oklahoma Resource Center (SORC). We have been cleared of any issues previously noted for the 30 and 90 day reviews and the transition has been deemed a success by DDS/QA and OCA (Office of Client Advocacy). Thanks go out to to Frances Case, program director, for her tenacity and willingness to go the extra mile to make this a successful transition. Frances was able to lead her team of HTS staff to new heights in order to serve these three gentlemen with extreme needs and challenges.
In addition, in April, we successfully completed our annual license review with the state of Oklahoma. The state reviewed our services earlier than we expected and yet, we were able to shine with minimal citations. Thanks to the entire Oklahoma Team for their hard work and dedication in preparing for this review.
Everybody committed to our mission knows and expects the ups and the downs associated with supporting folks with various disabilities. Because of and despite those challenges, it is essential to pull together and reflect on these moments when we feel most proud and uplifted.
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