Recognizing Excellence with Dan Griffin

“For the first half of my career, I had the good fortune of working with amazing people in some other great agencies in Ohio and Nebraska. When the opportunity arose to join Dungarvin in 2004, Dungarvin had to measure up to the same high ideals and values I had experienced to that point. After many years of experiencing Dungarvin’s values my high opinion of the organization has not changed. The Dungarvin family values the people we support first and foremost and understands that the supports we offer is dependent on the direct service professionals. It is hard to imagine having a more fulfilling career than to work with people who share the same values.”

Ms. Sylvia T. Vandroff,
Awww this is so beautiful! Happy Anniversary Indeed.
Megan Zurawicz,
Awesome person to work for and with. Listens and grasps the information being given quickly. Responds thoughtfully