Jun 27
Janet Stinde, Area Director
Dungarvin Wisconsin

Saving Lives: The Greatest Act of Service

Picture of Jeanne and the men at Yahara

The morning began just like any other Saturday morning at the Yahara Program in Madison, Wisconsin. Community Support Provider (CSP), Jeanne Gebhardt was assisting the men who reside in the apartment with their morning routines. All three men, Jeff, Mark and Glenn have physical disabilities and use wheelchairs for mobility, but this by no … Read Full Post

May 28
Lori Kress, Regional Director

Wisconsin Senior Director Earns Executive Staff Award

The Wisconsin Administrative team nominated Julie Josephitis, Wisconsin Senior Director, for the Under Eagles Wings – Executive Staff Award through the Residential Services Association (RSA) of Wisconsin. Per the RSA website, the Under Eagles Wings – Executive Staff Award is presented to β€œan individual who is recognized for assuring quality care for all … Read Full Post

Jan 24
Keith Jones, Program Services Coordinator
Dungarvin Wisconsin

Dreams Do Come True: “I Want to Be a Rock Star”

Photo: Aaron and the Band

Aaron had dreams of being a rock star. As a Program Services Coordinator for Dungarvin Wisconsin since February 2010, I am responsible for supporting individuals with involved behavior support needs that are geared towards safety. Community integration can be limited for some of the individuals we support in these programs. Aaron came to Dungarvin in … Read Full Post

Dec 17
Kim Bequest, Area Director
Dungarvin Wisconsin

2013 ANCOR DSP Award Winner: Louis Farmer

Louis Farmer was selected by the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) to be recognized as the state recipient for the 2013 Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Award. ANCOR is a national association that represents more than 800 providers of community services that serve over 400,000 individuals with disabilities. ANCOR facilitates advocacy … Read Full Post

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